
Porting a chapter of Adam Chlipala's Certified Programming with Dependent Types, More Dependent Types.

From Stdlib Require Import Bool Arith List Program.
From Equations.Prop Require Import Equations.
Set Equations Transparent.

Set Keyed Unification.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Section ilist.
  Variable A : Set.

  Inductive ilist : natSet :=
  | Nil : ilist O
  | Cons : n, Ailist nilist (S n).
  Derive Signature for ilist.
  Arguments Cons {n}.

  Equations app n1 (ls1 : ilist n1) n2 (ls2 : ilist n2) : ilist (n1 + n2) :=
  app Nil ls2 := ls2;
  app (Cons x ls1) ls2 := Cons x (app ls1 ls2).

  Equations inject (ls : list A) : ilist (length ls) :=
  inject nil := Nil;
  inject (cons h t) := Cons h (inject t).

  Equations unject n (ls : ilist n) : list A :=
  unject Nil := nil;
  unject (Cons x ls) := cons x (unject ls).

  Theorem unject_inverse : ls, unject (inject ls) = ls.
    intros. funelim (inject ls); simp unject; congruence.

  Equations hd n (ls : ilist (S n)) : A :=
  hd (Cons x _) := x.
End ilist.

Inductive type : Set :=
| Nat : type
| Bool : type
| Prod : typetypetype.
Derive NoConfusion EqDec for type.

Inductive exp : typeSet :=
| NConst : natexp Nat
| Plus : exp Natexp Natexp Nat
| Eq : exp Natexp Natexp Bool
| BConst : boolexp Bool
| And : exp Boolexp Boolexp Bool
| If : t, exp Boolexp texp texp t
| Pair : t1 t2, exp t1exp t2exp (Prod t1 t2)
| Fst : t1 t2, exp (Prod t1 t2) → exp t1
| Snd : t1 t2, exp (Prod t1 t2) → exp t2.

Derive Signature NoConfusion for exp.
Derive NoConfusionHom for exp.
Derive Subterm for exp.

Equations typeDenote (t : type) : Set :=
typeDenote Nat := nat;
typeDenote Bool := bool;
typeDenote (Prod t1 t2) := (typeDenote t1 × typeDenote t2)%type.

Equations expDenote t (e : exp t) : typeDenote t :=
expDenote (NConst n) := n;
expDenote (Plus e1 e2) := expDenote e1 + expDenote e2;
expDenote (Eq e1 e2) := Nat.eqb (expDenote e1) (expDenote e2);
expDenote (BConst b) := b;
expDenote (And e1 e2) := expDenote e1 && expDenote e2;
expDenote (If e e1 e2) with expDenote e ⇒ {
  | true := expDenote e1;
  | false := expDenote e2
expDenote (Pair e1 e2) := (expDenote e1, expDenote e2);
expDenote (Fst e) := fst (expDenote e);
expDenote (Snd e) := snd (expDenote e).

Equations pairOutType2 (t : type) : Set :=
pairOutType2 (Prod t1 t2) := option (exp t1 × exp t2);
pairOutType2 _ := option unit.

Equations pairOutTypeDef (t : type) : Set :=
pairOutTypeDef (Prod t1 t2) := exp t1 × exp t2;
pairOutTypeDef _ := unit.

Transparent pairOutTypeDef.
Definition pairOutType' (t : type) := option (match t with
                                               | Prod t1 t2exp t1 × exp t2
                                               | _unit

Equations pairOut t (e : exp t) : option (pairOutTypeDef t) :=
pairOut (Pair e1 e2) ⇒ Some (e1, e2);
pairOut _None.

Set Printing Depth 1000000.

From Stdlib Require Import Wellfounded.

Equations cfold {t} (e : exp t) : exp t :=
(* Works with well-foundedness too: cfold e by wf (signature_pack e) exp_subterm := *)
cfold (NConst n) ⇒ NConst n;
cfold (Plus e1 e2) with (cfold e1, cfold e2) ⇒ {
  | pair (NConst n1) (NConst n2) := NConst (n1 + n2);
  | pair e1' e2' := Plus e1' e2'
cfold (Eq e1 e2) with (cfold e1, cfold e2) ⇒ {
  | pair (NConst n1) (NConst n2) := BConst (Nat.eqb n1 n2);
  | pair e1' e2'Eq e1' e2'
cfold (BConst b) := BConst b;
cfold (And e1 e2) with (cfold e1, cfold e2) ⇒ {
  | pair (BConst b1) (BConst b2) := BConst (b1 && b2);
  | pair e1' e2' := And e1' e2'
cfold (If e e1 e2) with cfold e ⇒ {
  | BConst truecfold e1;
  | BConst falsecfold e2;
  | _If e (cfold e1) (cfold e2) }
cfold (Pair e1 e2) := Pair (cfold e1) (cfold e2);
cfold (Fst e) with cfold e ⇒ {
  | e' with pairOut e' ⇒ {
    | Some p := fst p;
    | None := Fst e'
cfold (Snd e) with cfold e ⇒ {
  | e' with pairOut e' ⇒ {
    | Some p := snd p;
    | None := Snd e'

Inductive color : Set := Red | Black.
Derive NoConfusion for color.

Inductive rbtree : colornatSet :=
| Leaf : rbtree Black 0
| RedNode : n, rbtree Black nnatrbtree Black nrbtree Red n
| BlackNode : c1 c2 n, rbtree c1 nnatrbtree c2 nrbtree Black (S n).
Derive Signature NoConfusion for rbtree.

From Stdlib Require Import Arith Lia.

Section depth.
  Variable f : natnatnat.

  Equations depth {c n} (t : rbtree c n) : nat :=
  depth Leaf := 0;
  depth (RedNode t1 _ t2) := S (f (depth t1) (depth t2));
  depth (BlackNode t1 _ t2) := S (f (depth t1) (depth t2)).
End depth.

Theorem depth_min : c n (t : rbtree c n), depth min tn.
  intros. funelim (depth Nat.min t); cbn;
  match goal with
  | [ |- context[min ?X ?Y] ] ⇒
      let H := fresh in destruct (Nat.min_dec X Y) as [H|H]; rewrite H
  end; lia.

Lemma depth_max' : c n (t : rbtree c n), match c with
                                                  | Reddepth max t ≤ 2 × n + 1
                                                  | Blackdepth max t ≤ 2 × n
  intros; funelim (depth Nat.max t); cbn; auto;
  match goal with
  | [ |- context[max ?X ?Y] ] ⇒
      let H := fresh in destruct (Nat.max_dec X Y) as [H|H]; rewrite H
  repeat match goal with
  | [ H : context[match ?C with Red_ | Black_ end] |- _ ] ⇒
      destruct C
  end; lia.

Theorem depth_max : c n (t : rbtree c n), depth max t ≤ 2 × n + 1.
  intros; generalize (depth_max' t); destruct c; lia.

Theorem balanced : c n (t : rbtree c n), 2 × depth min t + 1 ≥ depth max t.
  intros; generalize (depth_min t); generalize (depth_max t); lia.

Inductive rtree : natSet :=
| RedNode' : c1 c2 n, rbtree c1 nnatrbtree c2 nrtree n.

Section present.
  Variable x : nat.

  Equations present {c n} (t : rbtree c n) : Prop :=
  present Leaf := False;
  present (RedNode a y b) := present ax = ypresent b;
  present (BlackNode a y b) := present ax = ypresent b.

  Equations rpresent {n} (t : rtree n) : Prop :=
  rpresent (RedNode' a y b) ⇒ present ax = ypresent b.
End present.

Notation "{< x >}" := (sigmaI _ _ x).
Import Sigma_Notations.
(* No need for convoy pattern! *)
Equations balance1 n (a : rtree n) (data : nat) c2 (b : rbtree c2 n) : Σ c, rbtree c (S n) :=
balance1 (RedNode' t1 y t2) data d with t1 ⇒ {
  | RedNode a x b := {<RedNode (BlackNode a x b) y (BlackNode t2 data d)>};
  | _ with t2 ⇒ {
    | RedNode b x c := {<RedNode (BlackNode t1 y b) x (BlackNode c data d)>};
    | b := {<BlackNode (RedNode t1 y b) data d>}

Equations balance2 n (a : rtree n) (data : nat) c2 (b : rbtree c2 n) : Σ c, rbtree c (S n) :=
balance2 (RedNode' (c2:=c0) t1 z t2) data a with t1 ⇒ {
  | RedNode b y c := {<RedNode (BlackNode a data b) y (BlackNode c z t2)>};
  | _ with t2 ⇒ {
    | RedNode c z' d := {<RedNode (BlackNode a data t1) z (BlackNode c z' d)>};
    | _ := {<BlackNode a data (RedNode t1 z t2)>}

Section insert.
  Variable x : nat.

  Equations insResult (c : color) (n : nat) : Set :=
  insResult Red n := rtree n;
  insResult Black n := Σ c', rbtree c' n.
  Transparent insResult.

  Equations ins {c n} (t : rbtree c n) : insResult c n :=
  ins Leaf := {< RedNode Leaf x Leaf >};
  ins (RedNode a y b) with le_lt_dec x y ⇒ {
    | left _ := RedNode' (pr2 (ins a)) y b;
    | right _ := RedNode' a y (pr2 (ins b))
  ins (@BlackNode c1 c2 _ a y b) with le_lt_dec x y ⇒ {
    | left _ with c1 ⇒ {
      | Red := balance1 (ins a) y b;
      | Black := {<BlackNode (pr2 (ins a)) y b>}
    | right _ with c2 ⇒ {
      | Red := balance2 (ins b) y a;
      | Black := {< BlackNode a y (pr2 (ins b))>}

  Equations insertResult (c : color) (n : nat) : Set :=
  insertResult Red n := rbtree Black (S n);
  insertResult Black n := Σ c', rbtree c' n.
  Transparent insertResult.

  Equations makeRbtree c n (r : insResult c n) : insertResult c n :=
  makeRbtree Red _ (RedNode' a x b) := BlackNode a x b;
  makeRbtree Black _ r := r.
  Arguments makeRbtree [c n] _.

  Equations insert {c n} (t : rbtree c n) : insertResult c n :=
  insert t := makeRbtree (ins t).

  Section present.
    Variable z : nat.

    Lemma present_balance1 : n (a : rtree n) (y : nat) c2 (b : rbtree c2 n),
      present z (pr2 (balance1 a y b))
      ↔ rpresent z az = ypresent z b.
    Proof. intros. funelim (balance1 a y b); subst; simpl in *; tauto. Qed.

    Lemma present_balance2 : n (a : rtree n) (y : nat) c2 (b : rbtree c2 n),
      present z (pr2 (balance2 a y b))
      ↔ rpresent z az = ypresent z b.
    Proof. intros. funelim (balance2 a y b); subst; simpl in *; tauto. Qed.

    Equations present_insResult (c : color) (n : nat) (t : rbtree c n) (r : insResult c n): Prop :=
    @present_insResult Red n t r := rpresent z rz = xpresent z t;
    @present_insResult Black n t r := present z (pr2 r) ↔ z = xpresent z t.

    Theorem present_ins : c n (t : rbtree c n),
      present_insResult t (ins t).
      intros. funelim (ins t); simp present_insResult in *; simpl in *;
        try match goal with
          [ |- context [balance1 ?A ?B ?C] ] ⇒ generalize (present_balance1 A B C)
        try match goal with
          [ |- context [balance2 ?A ?B ?C] ] ⇒ generalize (present_balance2 A B C)
            end; try tauto.

    Ltac present_insert t t0 :=
      intros; funelim (insert t); cbn; generalize (present_ins t0);
      try rewrite present_insResult_equation_1; try rewrite present_insResult_equation_2;
      funelim (ins t0); intro; assumption.

    Theorem present_insert_Red : n (t : rbtree Red n),
      present z (insert t)
      ↔ (z = xpresent z t).
      funelim (insert t).
      generalize (present_ins t). simpl.
      try rewrite present_insResult_equation_1; try rewrite present_insResult_equation_2.
      funelim (ins t). intros; assumption. intros; assumption.

    Theorem present_insert_Black : n (t : rbtree Black n),
      present z (pr2 (insert t))
      ↔ (z = xpresent z t).
    Proof. present_insert t t. Qed.
  End present.
End insert.

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