Normalization of Simply Typed Lambda-Calculus through Hereditary Substitutions.

Uses extrinsic encoding of terms, with de Bruijn indices, lifting and substitution. Derive hereditary substitution function justified by a well-founded order on typable terms and conclude with a normalizer building beta-short eta-long normal forms, typable in a bidirectional type system.

From Stdlib Require Program.
From Equations.Prop Require Import Equations.
From Stdlib Require Import Lia List Utf8.
Import ListNotations.

Set Keyed Unification.

Derive Signature for le CompareSpec.

Inductive term :=
| Var (n : nat)
| Lambda (t : term)
| App (t u : term)
| Pair (t u : term)
| Fst (t : term) | Snd (t : term)
| Tt.

Derive NoConfusion Subterm EqDec for term.

Coercion Var : nat >-> term.

Declare Scope term_scope.
Delimit Scope term_scope with term.
Bind Scope term_scope with term.

Notation " @( f , x ) " := (App (f%term) (x%term)).
Notation " 'λ' t " := (Lambda (t%term)) (at level 10).
Notation " << t , u >> " := (Pair (t%term) (u%term)).

Parameter atomic_type : Set.
Parameter atomic_type_eqdec : EqDec atomic_type.
#[export] Existing Instance atomic_type_eqdec.

Inductive type :=
| atom (a : atomic_type)
| product (a b : type)
| unit
| arrow (a b : type).

Derive NoConfusion Subterm EqDec for type.

Coercion atom : atomic_type >-> type.
Notation " x × y " := (product x y) (at level 90).
Notation " x ---> y " := (arrow x y) (at level 30).

From Stdlib Require Import Arith.

Equations lift (k n : nat) (t : term) : term :=
lift k n (Var i) with i k := {
  | Lt := Var i ;
  | _ := Var (i + n) } ;
lift k n (Lambda t) := Lambda (lift (S k) n t) ;
lift k n (App t u) := @(lift k n t, lift k n u) ;
lift k n (Pair t u) := << lift k n t, lift k n u >> ;
lift k n (Fst t) := Fst (lift k n t) ;
lift k n (Snd t) := Snd (lift k n t) ;
lift k n Tt := Tt.

Tactic Notation "absurd" tactic(tac) := exfalso; tac.

Ltac term_eq :=
  match goal with
    | |- Var _ = Var _f_equal ; lia
    | |- @eq nat _ _lia || absurd lia
    | |- lt _ _lia || absurd lia
    | |- le _ _lia || absurd lia
    | |- gt _ _lia || absurd lia
    | |- ge _ _lia || absurd lia

#[local] Hint Extern 4 ⇒ term_eq : term.

Ltac term := typeclasses eauto with term core arith.

Ltac do_rewrites :=
    match goal with
        H : ?lhs = ?rhs |- context [?lhs] ⇒ rewrite H; clear H

Ltac crush := do_rewrites; auto; try term.

Lemma lift0 k t : lift k 0 t = t.
  funelim (lift k 0 t); term || rewrite ?H; crush.
#[local] Hint Rewrite lift0 : lift.
From Stdlib Require Import Lia.

Lemma lift_k_lift_k k n m t : lift k n (lift k m t) = lift k (n + m) t.
  funelim (lift k m t); intros; simp lift; try rewrite H ; try rewrite H0; auto.

  destruct (Nat.compare_spec i k); try discriminate. subst.
  case_eq ( (k + n) k); intro H; simp lift; try term.
  rewrite Nat.compare_lt_iff in H; term.
  rewrite Heq; simp lift; term.

  rewrite Heq. rewrite Nat.compare_gt_iff in Heq. simp lift.
  destruct (Nat.compare_spec (i + n) k); try discriminate; simp lift; term.
#[local] Hint Rewrite lift_k_lift_k : lift.

Equations subst (k : nat) (t : term) (u : term) : term :=
subst k (Var i) u with i k := {
  | Eq := lift 0 k u ;
  | Lt := i ;
  | Gt := Var (pred i) } ;
subst k (Lambda t) u := Lambda (subst (S k) t u) ;
subst k (App a b) u := @(subst k a u, subst k b u) ;
subst k (Pair a b) u := << subst k a u, subst k b u >> ;
subst k (Fst t) u := Fst (subst k t u) ;
subst k (Snd t) u := Snd (subst k t u) ;
subst k Tt _ := Tt.

Lemma substnn n t : subst n n t = lift 0 n t.
Proof. funelim (subst n n t) ; try rewrite H ; try rewrite H0; simp lift; auto.
  rewrite Nat.compare_lt_iff in Heq; absurd lia.
  rewrite Nat.compare_gt_iff in Heq; absurd lia.
#[local] Hint Rewrite substnn : subst.
Notation ctx := (list type).

Reserved Notation " Γ |-- t : A " (at level 70, t, A at next level).

Inductive types : ctxtermtypeProp :=
| axiom Γ i : i < length Γ → (Γ |-- i : nth i Γ unit)

| abstraction Γ A B t :
  A :: Γ |-- t : BΓ |-- λ t : A ---> B

| application Γ A B t u :
  Γ |-- t : A ---> BΓ |-- u : AΓ |-- @(t, u) : B

| unit_intro Γ : Γ |-- Tt : unit

| pair_intro Γ A B t u :
  Γ |-- t : AΓ |-- u : B
    Γ |-- << t , u >> : (A × B)

| pair_elim_fst Γ A B t : Γ |-- t : (A × B) → Γ |-- Fst t : A

| pair_elim_snd Γ A B t : Γ |-- t : (A × B) → Γ |-- Snd t : B

where "Γ |-- i : A " := (types Γ i A).

Derive Signature for types.

Notation " [ t ] u " := (subst 0 u t) (at level 10).

Notation " x @ y " := (app x y) (at level 30, right associativity).

Lemma nth_length {A} x t (l l' : list A) : nth (length l) (l @ (t :: l')) x = t.
Proof. induction l; simpl; auto. Qed.

#[local] Hint Constructors types : term.

Lemma nat_compare_elim (P : natnatcomparisonProp)
  (PEq : i, P i i Eq)
  (PLt : i j, i < jP i j Lt)
  (PGt : i j, i > jP i j Gt) :
   i j, P i j ( i j).
Proof. intros. case (Nat.compare_spec i j); intros; subst; auto. Qed.

Lemma nth_extend_left {A} (a : A) n (l l' : list A) : nth n l a = nth (length l' + n) (l' @ l) a.
Proof. induction l'; auto. Qed.

Lemma nth_app_l {A} (a : A) {n} (l l' : list A) : n < length lnth n (l @ l') a = nth n l a.
  revert l l' n; induction l; intros; auto. depelim H. destruct n; trivial.
  simpl. eapply IHl. simpl in H. lia.

Lemma nth_app_r {A} (a : A) {n} (l l' : list A) : length ln
  nth n (l @ l') a = nth (n - length l) l' a.
  revert l l' n; induction l; intros; auto. simpl in H. depelim H; auto.
  destruct n; simpl in H. depelim H. simpl; apply IHl; lia.

Lemma nth_extend_middle {A} (a : A) n (l l' l'' : list A) :
  match n (length l') with
    | Ltnth n (l' @ l) a = nth n (l' @ l'' @ l) a
    | _nth n (l' @ l) a = nth (n + length l'') (l' @ l'' @ l) a
  assert (foo:=Nat.compare_spec n (length l')).
  depelim foo; fold (length l') in H;
  try rewrite H0; try rewrite H. rewrite <- nth_extend_left.
  replace (length l'') with (length l'' + 0) by auto with arith. rewrite <- nth_extend_left.
  replace (length l') with (length l' + 0) by auto with arith.
  now rewrite <- nth_extend_left.

  clear H0. now rewrite !nth_app_l by trivial.
  clear H0. rewrite !nth_app_r by lia. f_equal. lia.

#[local] Hint Rewrite <- app_assoc in_app_iff in_inv : list.

Lemma type_lift Γ t T Γ' : Γ' @ Γ |-- t : T
   Γ'', Γ' @ Γ'' @ Γ |-- lift (length Γ') (length Γ'') t : T.
  intros H.
  depind H; intros; simp lift; eauto with term.

  generalize (nth_extend_middle unit i Γ0 Γ' Γ'').
  destruct; intros H'; rewrite H'; simp lift;
    apply axiom; autorewrite with list in H |- *; lia.

  apply abstraction. rewrite app_comm_cons. now apply IHtypes.

Lemma type_lift1 Γ t T A : Γ |-- t : TA :: Γ |-- lift 0 1 t : T.
Proof. intros. apply (type_lift Γ t T [] H [A]). Qed.

Lemma type_liftn Γ Γ' t T : Γ |-- t : TΓ' @ Γ |-- lift 0 (length Γ') t : T.
Proof. intros. apply (type_lift Γ t T [] H Γ'). Qed.
#[local] Hint Resolve type_lift1 type_lift type_liftn : term.

Ltac crush ::= do_rewrites; simpl; do_rewrites; auto; try term.

Lemma app_cons_snoc_app {A} l (a : A) l' : l ++ (a :: l') = (l ++ a :: nil) ++ l'.
Proof. induction l; crush. Qed.

#[local] Hint Extern 5 ⇒ progress (simpl ; autorewrite with list) : term.
Ltac term ::= simp lift subst; try typeclasses eauto with core term.

Lemma substitutive Γ t T Γ' u U :
  (Γ' @ (U :: Γ)) |-- t : TΓ |-- u : U
  Γ' @ Γ |-- subst (length Γ') t u : T.
Proof with term.
  intros H. depind H; term. intros.

  (* Var *)
  assert (spec:=Nat.compare_spec i (length Γ')).
  depelim spec; try fold (length Γ') in H1; subst;
  try rewrite H1; try rewrite H2 ; simp subst.

  (* Eq *)
  generalize (type_lift Γ0 u U [] H0 Γ'); simpl; intros.
  rewrite app_cons_snoc_app, app_nth1, app_nth2; try (simpl; lia).
  now rewrite Nat.sub_diag. term.

  (* Lt *)
  rewrite app_nth1 by lia. rewrite <- (app_nth1 _ Γ0); term.

  (* Gt *)
  rewrite app_nth2; term.
  change (U :: Γ0) with ((cons U nil) @ Γ0). rewrite app_nth2; term.
  simpl. rewrite (nth_extend_left unit _ Γ0 Γ').
  replace (length Γ' + (i - length Γ' - 1)) with (pred i); term.
  apply axiom. autorewrite with list in H |- ×. simpl in H. lia.

  (* Abstraction *)
  intros. apply abstraction. now eapply (IHtypes _ _ _ (A :: Γ')).

Lemma subst1 Γ t T u U : U :: Γ |-- t : TΓ |-- u : UΓ |-- subst 0 t u : T.
Proof. intros; now apply (substitutive Γ t T [] u U). Qed.

Reserved Notation " t --> u " (at level 55, right associativity).

Inductive reduce : termtermProp :=
| red_beta t u : @((Lambda t) , u) --> subst 0 t u
| red_fst t u : Fst << t , u >> --> t
| red_snd t u : Snd << t , u >> --> u

where " t --> u " := (reduce t u).
Derive Signature for reduce.

From Stdlib Require Import Relations.

Definition reduces := clos_refl_trans term reduce.
Notation " t -->* u " := (reduces t u) (at level 55).

From Stdlib Require Import Setoid.

Instance: Transitive reduces.
Proof. red; intros. econstructor 3; eauto. Qed.

Instance: Reflexive reduces.
Proof. red; intros. econstructor 2; eauto. Qed.

Inductive value : termProp :=
| val_var (i : nat) : value i
| val_unit : value Tt
| val_pair a b : value avalue bvalue << a, b >>
| val_lambda t : value (λ t).
Derive Signature for value.

#[local] Hint Constructors value : term.

Inductive reduce_congr : relation term :=
| reduce1 t u : reduce t ureduce_congr t u
| reduce_app_l t t' u : reduce_congr t t'
  reduce_congr (@(t, u)) (@(t', u))
| reduce_app_r t u u' : reduce_congr u u'
  reduce_congr (@(t, u)) (@(t, u'))
| reduce_pair_l t t' u : reduce_congr t t'
  reduce_congr (<< t, u >>) (<< t', u >>)
| reduce_pair_r t u u' : reduce_congr u u'
  reduce_congr (<< t, u >>) (<< t, u' >>)
| reduce_fst t t' : reduce_congr t t'reduce_congr (Fst t) (Fst t')
| reduce_snd t t' : reduce_congr t t'reduce_congr (Snd t) (Snd t').
Derive Signature for reduce_congr.

Ltac find_empty :=
  match goal with
      [ H : _ |- _ ] ⇒ solve [ depelim H ]

Lemma preserves_red1 Γ t τ : Γ |-- t : τ → u, t --> uΓ |-- u : τ.
  intros H; induction H; intros t' redtt'; term; try find_empty; depelim redtt'.
  apply subst1 with A. now depelim H. apply H0.
  now depelim H.
  now depelim H.

Lemma preserves_redpar Γ t τ : Γ |-- t : τ → u, reduce_congr t uΓ |-- u : τ.
  intros H. induction H; intros t' rtt'; depelim rtt'; term; try find_empty.

  depelim H1. depelim H. eapply subst1; eauto.

  depelim H0; depelim H; term.
  depelim H0; depelim H; term.

Lemma subject_reduction Γ t τ : Γ |-- t : τ → u, t -->* uΓ |-- u : τ.
Proof. induction 2; eauto using preserves_red1. Qed.
#[local] Hint Constructors reduce reduce_congr : term.
Lemma progress_ t τ : nil |-- t : τ → ( t', reduce_congr t t') ∨ value t.
  intros H; depind H; auto with term.

  destruct IHtypes1 as [[t' tt']|vt].
  left; eauto with term.
  destruct IHtypes2 as [[u' uu']|vu].
  left; eauto with term.
  depelim H; [depelim H|depelim vt..].
  left. ([u]t0). eauto with term.

  destruct IHtypes1 as [[t' tt']|vt]; eauto with term.
  destruct IHtypes2 as [[u' uu']|vu]; eauto with term.

  destruct IHtypes as [[t' tt']|vt]; eauto with term.
  depelim vt; depelim H;
  eauto with term. depelim H.

  destruct IHtypes as [[t' tt']|vt]; eauto with term.
  depelim vt; depelim H;
  eauto with term. depelim H.

Reserved Notation " Γ |-- t => A " (at level 70, t, A at next level).
Reserved Notation " Γ |-- t <= A " (at level 70, t, A at next level).

Inductive atomic : typeProp :=
| atomic_atom a : atomic (atom a).

Derive Signature for atomic.
#[local] Hint Constructors atomic : term.

(* FIXME bug *)
Equations? atomic_dec (t : type) : { atomic t } + { ¬ atomic t } :=
atomic_dec (atom a) := left (atomic_atom a) ;
atomic_dec t := right _.
Proof. all:(intro H; depelim H). Qed.

Inductive check : ctxtermtypeProp :=
| abstraction_check Γ A B t :
  A :: Γ |-- tB
  Γ |-- λ tA ---> B

| pair_intro_check Γ A B t u :
  Γ |-- tAΓ |-- uB
    Γ |-- << t , u >> ≤ (A × B)

| unit_intro_check Γ : Γ |-- Ttunit

| check_synth Γ t T : atomic TΓ |-- tTΓ |-- tT

with synthetize : ctxtermtypeProp :=

| axiom_synth Γ i : i < length Γ
  Γ |-- inth i Γ unit
| application_synth {Γ A B t u} :
  Γ |-- tA ---> BΓ |-- uAΓ |-- @(t, u) ⇒ B

| pair_elim_fst_synth {Γ A B t} : Γ |-- t ⇒ (A × B) → Γ |-- Fst tA

| pair_elim_snd_synth {Γ A B t} : Γ |-- t ⇒ (A × B) → Γ |-- Snd tB

where "Γ |-- i => A " := (synthetize Γ i A)
and "Γ |-- i <= A " := (check Γ i A).
Derive Signature for check synthetize.

#[local] Hint Constructors synthetize check : term.

Scheme check_mut_ind := Induction for check Sort Prop
  with synthetize_mut_ind := Induction for synthetize Sort Prop.

Combined Scheme check_synthetize from check_mut_ind, synthetize_mut_ind.

Lemma synth_arrow {Γ t T} : A : Prop, Γ |-- λ (t) ⇒ TA.
Proof. intros A H. depelim H. Qed.

Lemma synth_pair {Γ t u T} : A : Prop, Γ |-- << t, u >> ⇒ TA.
Proof. intros A H. depelim H. Qed.

Lemma synth_unit {Γ T} : A : Prop, Γ |-- TtTA.
Proof. intros A H. depelim H. Qed.

#[local] Hint Extern 3 ⇒
  match goal with
    | H : ?Γ |-- ?t ⇒ ?T |- _apply (synth_arrow _ H) || apply (synth_pair _ H) || apply (synth_unit _ H)
  end : term.

Lemma check_types : ( Γ t T, Γ |-- tTΓ |-- t : T)
with synthetizes_types : ( Γ t T, Γ |-- tTΓ |-- t : T).
Proof. intros. destruct H; try econstructor; term.
  intros. destruct H; try solve [ econstructor; term ].

#[local] Hint Resolve check_types synthetizes_types : term.

Inductive normal : termProp :=
| normal_unit : normal Tt
| normal_pair a b : normal anormal bnormal << a, b >>
| normal_abs t : normal tnormal (λ t)
| normal_neutral r : neutral rnormal r

with neutral : termProp :=
| neutral_var i : neutral (Var i)
| neutral_fst t : neutral tneutral (Fst t)
| neutral_snd t : neutral tneutral (Snd t)
| neutral_app t n : neutral tnormal nneutral (@(t, n)).

Derive Signature for normal neutral.
#[local] Hint Constructors normal neutral : term.

Lemma check_lift_gen Δ t T (H : Δ |-- tT) : Γ Γ', Δ = Γ' @ Γ
   Γ'', Γ' @ Γ'' @ Γ |-- lift (length Γ') (length Γ'') tT
with synthetize_lift_gen Δ t T (H : Δ |-- tT) : Γ Γ', Δ = Γ' @ Γ
   Γ'', Γ' @ Γ'' @ Γ |-- lift (length Γ') (length Γ'') tT.
  destruct H; intros; simp lift.

  change (S (length Γ')) with (length (A :: Γ')). change (A :: Γ' @ Γ'' @ Γ0) with ((A :: Γ') @ Γ'' @ Γ0).
  eapply check_lift_gen; try eassumption. subst. rewrite app_comm_cons; subst; try eassumption; trivial.

  econstructor; eapply check_lift_gen; eassumption.

  econstructor. eassumption.
  eapply synthetize_lift_gen; eassumption.

  destruct H; intros; simp lift; try solve [econstructor; term].
  clear check_lift_gen synthetize_lift_gen. subst.
  generalize (nth_extend_middle unit i Γ0 Γ' Γ'').
  destruct; intros H'; rewrite H'; simp lift; apply axiom_synth; autorewrite with list in H |- *; lia.

Definition check_lift Γ t T Γ' (H : Γ' @ Γ |-- tT) :
   Γ'', Γ' @ Γ'' @ Γ |-- lift (length Γ') (length Γ'') tT :=
  check_lift_gen (Γ' @ Γ) _ _ H _ _ eq_refl.
Definition synthetize_lift Γ t T Γ' (H : Γ' @ Γ |-- tT) :
   Γ'', Γ' @ Γ'' @ Γ |-- lift (length Γ') (length Γ'') tT :=
  synthetize_lift_gen (Γ' @ Γ) _ _ H _ _ eq_refl.

Lemma check_lift1 {Γ t T A} : Γ |-- tTA :: Γ |-- lift 0 1 tT.
Proof. intros. apply (check_lift Γ t T [] H [A]). Qed.

Lemma synth_lift1 {Γ t T A} : Γ |-- tTA :: Γ |-- lift 0 1 tT.
Proof. intros. apply (synthetize_lift Γ t T [] H [A]). Qed.
#[local] Hint Resolve check_lift1 synth_lift1 : term.

Lemma check_lift_ctx {Γ t T Γ'} : Γ |-- tTΓ' @ Γ |-- lift 0 (length Γ') tT.
Proof. intros. apply (check_lift Γ t T [] H Γ'). Qed.

Lemma synth_lift_ctx {Γ t T Γ'} : Γ |-- tTΓ' @ Γ |-- lift 0 (length Γ') tT.
Proof. intros. apply (synthetize_lift Γ t T [] H Γ'). Qed.
#[local] Hint Resolve check_lift_ctx synth_lift_ctx : term.

Equations η (a : type) (t : term) : term :=
η (atom _) t := t ;
η (product a b) t := << η a (Fst t), η b (Snd t) >> ;
η (arrow a b) t := (Lambda (η b @(lift 0 1 t, η a 0)))%term ;
η unit t := Tt.

Lemma checks_arrow Γ t A B : Γ |-- tA ---> B → ∃ t', t = λ t'A :: Γ |-- t'B.
Proof. intros H; inversion H; subst.
   t0; term.
  inversion H0.

Lemma normal_lift {t k n} : normal tnormal (lift k n t)
  with neutral_lift {t k n} : neutral tneutral (lift k n t).
Proof. destruct 1; simp lift; constructor; term.
  destruct 1; simp lift; try (constructor; term).
  destruct; term.
#[local] Hint Resolve normal_lift neutral_lift : term.

Lemma check_normal {Γ t T} : Γ |-- tTnormal t
 with synth_neutral {Γ t T} : Γ |-- tTneutral t.
Proof. destruct 1; constructor; term. destruct 1; constructor; term. Qed.
#[local] Hint Resolve check_normal synth_neutral : term.

Lemma eta_expand Γ t A : neutral tΓ |-- tAΓ |-- η A tA.
Proof. revert Γ t; induction A; intros; simp η; constructor; term.

  assert(0 < length (A1 :: Γ)) by (simpl; lia).
  specialize (IHA1 (A1 :: Γ) 0 (neutral_var _) (axiom_synth (A1 :: Γ) 0 H1)).
  apply (IHA2 (A1 :: Γ) @(lift 0 1 t, η A1 0)); term.

Lemma η_normal : Γ A t, neutral tΓ |-- tAnormal (η A t).
Proof. intros. now apply eta_expand in H0; term. Qed.

Going to use the subterm order

From Stdlib Require Import Arith Wf_nat.
#[export] Instance wf_nat : Classes.WellFounded lt := lt_wf.

#[local] Hint Constructors Subterm.lexprod : subterm_relation.

Derive Signature for Acc.
Notation lexicographic R S := (Subterm.lexprod _ _ R S).

Definition her_order : relation (type × term × term) :=
  lexicographic (lexicographic type_subterm term_subterm) term_subterm.

#[local] Hint Unfold her_order : subterm_relation.

Import Program.Tactics.
Local Obligation Tactic := program_simpl.

Arguments exist [A] [P].

Definition hereditary_type (t : type × term × term) :=
  (term × option { u : type | u = (fst (fst t)) ∨ type_subterm u (fst (fst t)) })%type.

Inductive IsLambda {t} : hereditary_type tSet :=
| isLambda abs a b prf : IsLambda (Lambda abs, Some (exist (arrow a b) prf)).

Equations is_lambda {t} (h : hereditary_type t) : IsLambda h + term :=
is_lambda (pair (Lambda abs) (Some (exist (arrow a b) prf))) := inl (isLambda abs a b prf) ;
is_lambda (pair t' _) := inr t'.
Arguments is_lambda : simpl never.
Lemma is_lambda_inr {t} (h : hereditary_type t) : t', is_lambda h = inr t'fst h = t'.
  let elim := constr:(fun_elim (f:=@is_lambda)) in apply elim; simpl; intros; try congruence.

Inductive IsPair {t} : hereditary_type tSet :=
| isPair u v a b prf : IsPair (Pair u v, Some (exist (product a b) prf)).

Equations is_pair {t} (h : hereditary_type t) : IsPair h + term :=
is_pair (pair (Pair u v) (Some (exist (product a b) prf))) := inl (isPair u v a b prf) ;
is_pair (pair t' _) := inr t'.
Arguments is_pair : simpl never.

Lemma is_pair_inr {t} (h : hereditary_type t) : t', is_pair h = inr t'fst h = t'.
  let elim := constr:(fun_elim (f:=@is_pair)) in apply elim; simpl; intros; try congruence.

Lemma nth_extend_right {A} (a : A) n (l l' : list A) : n < length l
  nth n l a = nth n (l @ l') a.
Proof. revert n l'. induction l; simpl; intros; auto. depelim H. destruct n; auto.
  apply IHl. auto with arith.

Definition her_type (t : type × term × term) :=
  let u' := fst (fst t) in
   { u : type | u = u'type_subterm u u' }.

#[local] Remove Hints t_step : subterm_relation.
#[local] Remove Hints Subterm.clos_trans_stepr : subterm_relation.

Ltac apply_step :=
  match goal with
    |- clos_trans ?A ?R ?x ?ynot_evar y; eapply t_step
#[local] Hint Extern 30 (clos_trans _ _ _ _) ⇒ apply_step : subterm_relation.

Lemma clos_trans_inv {A} R (x y z : A) :
  clos_trans A R y zclos_trans A R x yclos_trans A R x z.
Proof. eauto using t_trans. Qed.

Ltac apply_transitivity :=
  match goal with
    |- clos_trans ?A ?R ?x ?y
    not_evar x; not_evar y; eapply clos_trans_inv
#[local] Hint Extern 31 (clos_trans _ _ _ _) ⇒ apply_transitivity : subterm_relation.

Equations? hereditary_subst (t : type × term × term) (k : nat) :
  term × option (her_type t)
  by wf t her_order :=

hereditary_subst (pair (pair A a) t) k with t := {
  | Var i with i k := {
    | Eq := (lift 0 k a, Some (exist A _)) ;
    | Lt := (Var i, None) ;
    | Gt := (Var (pred i), None) } ;

  | Lambda t' := (Lambda (fst (hereditary_subst (A, a, t') (S k))), None) ;

  | App f arg with hereditary_subst (A, a, f) k := {
    | p with is_lambda p := {
        | inl (isLambda f' A' B' prf) :=
          let (f'', y) := hereditary_subst (A', fst (hereditary_subst (A, a, arg) k), f') 0 in
            (f'', Some (exist B' _)) ;
        | inr f' := (@(f', fst (hereditary_subst (A, a, arg) k)), None) } } ;

  | Pair i j :=
    (<< fst (hereditary_subst (A, a, i) k), fst (hereditary_subst (A, a, j) k) >>, None) ;

  | Fst t' with hereditary_subst (A, a, t') k := {
    | p with is_pair p := {
      | inl (isPair u v a' b' prf) := (u, Some (exist a' _)) ;
      | inr p' := (Fst p', None) } } ;

  | Snd t' with hereditary_subst (A, a, t') k := {
    | p with is_pair p := {
      | inl (isPair u v a' b' prf) := (v, Some (exist b' _)) ;
      | inr p' := (Snd p', None) } } ;

  | Tt := (Tt, None) }.
  all:(try match goal with |- her_order _ _
                       unfold her_type in *; simpl in *; try (clear; constructor 2; do 2 constructor)
  1:(destruct prf; subst; eauto 10 with subterm_relation).
  all:(clear -prf; simpl in *; destruct prf; subst; eauto 5 with subterm_relation).

#[local] Hint Unfold her_type : subterm_relation.
#[local] Hint Unfold Program.Basics.const : subterm_relation.

Ltac autoh :=
  unfold type_subterm in × ; try typeclasses eauto with hereditary_subst subterm_relation.
Ltac simph :=
  try (rewrite_strat (innermost (hints hereditary_subst)));

#[local] Hint Transparent type_subterm : subterm_relation.

Ltac invert_term :=
  match goal with
    | [ H : check _ (Lambda _) _ |- _ ] ⇒ depelim H
    | [ H : check _ (Pair _ _) _ |- _ ] ⇒ depelim H
    | [ H : check _ Tt _ |- _ ] ⇒ depelim H
    | [ H : types _ ?t _ |- _ ] ⇒
      match t with
        | Var _depelim H
        | Lambda _depelim H
        | App _ _depelim H
        | Pair _ _depelim H
        | Fst _depelim H
        | Snd _depelim H
        | Ttdepelim H

Lemma hereditary_subst_type Γ Γ' t T u U : Γ |-- u : UΓ' @ (U :: Γ) |-- t : T
  let (t', o) := hereditary_subst (U, u, t) (length Γ') in
    (Γ' @ Γ |-- t' : T ∧ ( ty prf, o = Some (exist ty prf) → ty = T)).
  funelim (hereditary_subst (U, u, t) (length Γ')) Heqcall; cbn in Heqcall |- *;
    DepElim.simpl_dep_elim; subst;
    try (split; [ (intros; try discriminate) | solve [ intros; discriminate ] ]);

  invert_term. simpl in ×. apply abstraction.
  specialize (H Γ (A0 :: Γ')). simpl in H. eqns_specialize_eqs H.
  simpl in H.
  on_call hereditary_subst ltac:(fun cremember c as hsubst; destruct hsubst; simpl in *).
  specialize (H _ H0 H1).
  apply H; auto.

  on_call hereditary_subst ltac:(fun cremember c as hsubst; destruct hsubst; simpl in *).
  on_call hereditary_subst ltac:(fun cremember c as hsubst; destruct hsubst; simpl in *).
  depelim H2. constructor. now apply H. now apply H0.
  depelim H0. term.

  (* Var *) simpl.
  apply Nat.compare_eq in Heq; subst.
  depelim H0.
  rewrite !nth_length. split. term. intros.
  noconf H1. auto.

  (* Lt *)
  apply Nat.compare_lt_iff in Heq. depelim H0.
  replace (nth i (Γ' @ (_ :: Γ)) unit) with (nth i (Γ' @ Γ) unit).
  constructor. rewrite length_app. auto with arith.
  now do 2 rewrite <- nth_extend_right by auto.

  (* Gt *)
  pose (substitutive _ _ _ _ _ _ H0 H).
  simp subst in t. rewrite Heq in t. simp subst in t.

  (* App *)
  simpl in ×.
  - on_call (hereditary_subst (A, a, arg)) ltac:(fun cremember c as hsubst; destruct hsubst; simpl in *).
    on_call hereditary_subst ltac:(fun cremember c as hsubst; destruct hsubst; simpl in × ).
    dependent elimination H2 as [application _ U T f arg tyfn tyu].
    specialize (H _ _ H1 tyu).
    specialize (Hind _ _ H1 tyfn). cbn in Heqcall. rewrite Heq0 in Hind.
    destruct Hind as [Ht' Ht''].
    dependent elimination Ht' as [abstraction _ U T abs tyabs].
    eqns_specialize_eqs Ht''. noconf Ht''.
    destruct H as [Ht tty].
    specialize (H0 _ [] _ _ _ _ Ht tyabs eq_refl Heqhsubst0). cbn in H0.
    rewrite <- Heqhsubst0 in H0.
    destruct H0 as [H0 H5].
    split; auto.
    intros ty prf0 Heq'.
    noconf Heq'. auto.

  (* App no redex *)
  - apply is_lambda_inr in Heq. revert Heq.
    intros <-. depelim H1.
    specialize (H _ _ H0 H1_0).
    specialize (Hind _ _ H0 H1_).
    on_call hereditary_subst ltac:(fun cremember c as hsubst; destruct hsubst; simpl in × ).
    on_call (hereditary_subst (A, a, arg)) ltac:(fun cremember c as hsubst; destruct hsubst; simpl in × ).
    destruct H, Hind. econstructor; eauto.

  (* Fst redex *)
  - simpl in ×.
    depelim H0. specialize (Hind _ _ H H0).
    cbn in Heqcall.
    rewrite Heq0 in Hind.
    destruct Hind. depelim H1. intuition auto.
    eqns_specialize_eqs H2. noconf H2.
    now noconf H1.

  (* Fst no redex *)
  - apply is_pair_inr in Heq. revert Heq.
    on_call hereditary_subst ltac:(fun cremember c as hsubst; destruct hsubst; simpl in × ).
    depelim H0. intros <-.
    specialize (Hind _ _ H H0); eauto.
    destruct Hind. now apply pair_elim_fst with B.

  (* Snd redex *)
  - simpl. depelim H0. specialize (Hind _ _ H H0).
    rewrite Heq0 in Hind.
    destruct Hind. depelim H1. intuition auto.
    eqns_specialize_eqs H2. noconf H2.
    now noconf H1.

  (* Snd no redex *)
  - apply is_pair_inr in Heq. revert Heq.
    on_call hereditary_subst ltac:(fun cremember c as hsubst; destruct hsubst; simpl in × ).
    intros Ht2; subst t. simpl in ×. depelim H0.
    specialize (Hind _ _ H H0); eauto. now apply pair_elim_snd with A0.
(* Print Assumptions hereditary_subst_type. *)
Import Program.Basics.
#[export] Instance: subrelation eq (flip impl).
Proof. reduce. subst; auto. Qed.

Lemma nth_pred Γ' Γ U n : n > length Γ'nth (pred n) (Γ' @ Γ) unit = nth n (Γ' @ (U :: Γ)) unit.
  revert_until Γ'. induction Γ'; intros.

  destruct n; auto. depelim H.
  destruct n; auto. simpl pred. simpl.
  rewrite <- IHΓ'. destruct n; auto. simpl in H. depelim H. depelim H.
  simpl in *; lia.

Lemma hereditary_subst_subst U u t Γ' :
  ( Γ T, Γ |-- uU
    match hereditary_subst (U, u, t) (length Γ') with
      | (t', Some (exist ty _)) ⇒
         ((Γ' @ (U :: Γ) |-- tTΓ' @ Γ |-- t'Tty = T) ∧
          (Γ' @ (U :: Γ) |-- tTΓ' @ Γ |-- t'Tty = T))
      | (t', None) ⇒
        (Γ' @ (U :: Γ) |-- tTΓ' @ Γ |-- t'T) ∧
        (Γ' @ (U :: Γ) |-- tTΓ' @ Γ |-- t'T)
  funelim (hereditary_subst (U, u, t) (length Γ')); simpl in ×.
  let Hind := fresh "Hind" in rename H into Hind; intros ?? Hu.
  simpl. simpl in ×.

  - cbn in ×.
    on_call hereditary_subst
            ltac:(fun cremember c as hsubst; destruct hsubst; simpl in *).
    split; intros Hsyn; [| elim (synth_arrow False Hsyn)].

    invert_term. constructor.
    specialize (Hind _ _ _ (A0 :: Γ') eq_refl). simpl in ×.
    specialize (Hind Heqhsubst _ B Hu).
    rewrite <- Heqhsubst in Hind.
    destruct o as [[ty prf]|], Hind as [Hind0 Hind1].
    apply Hind0; eauto. eauto.
    elim (synth_arrow False H0).

  - do 2 on_call hereditary_subst
          ltac:(fun cremember c as hsubst; destruct hsubst; simpl in *).
    split; intros Hsyn; [|elim (synth_pair False Hsyn)].
    specialize (H0 _ B H1). specialize (H _ A0 H1).
    destruct o as [[ty prf]|], o0 as [[ty' prf']|], H, H0;
      destruct_conjs; constructor; eauto.
    now apply H. now apply H0. now apply H. now apply H0.

    elim (synth_pair False H3).

  (* Unit *)
  - split; intros Hsyn; [|elim (synth_unit False Hsyn)].
    depelim Hsyn. term.
    elim (synth_unit False H1).

  (* Var: eq *)
  - apply Nat.compare_eq in Heq; subst i.
    split; intros Hsyn; depelim Hsyn; rewrite ?nth_length.
    depelim H1; rewrite !nth_length.
    now split; term. split; term.

  (* Lt *)
  - apply Nat.compare_lt_iff in Heq.
    split; intros Hsyn; depelim Hsyn;
    [depelim H1;constructor;auto|];
    (rewrite nth_app_l by lia; rewrite <- nth_app_l with (l':=Γ) by lia;
     constructor; rewrite length_app; auto with arith).

  (* Gt *)
  - apply Nat.compare_gt_iff in Heq.
    split; intros Hsyn; depelim Hsyn.
    depelim H1. constructor. auto.
    replace (nth i (Γ' @ (A :: Γ)) unit) with (nth (pred i) (Γ' @ Γ) unit).
    constructor. rewrite length_app in ×. simpl in H1. lia.
    now apply nth_pred.

    replace (nth _ (Γ' @ (_ :: _)) unit) with (nth (pred i) (Γ' @ Γ) unit).
    constructor. rewrite length_app in ×. simpl in H0. lia.
    now apply nth_pred.

  (* App *)
  - cbn. on_call (hereditary_subst (A,a,arg))
            ltac:(fun cremember c as hsubst; destruct hsubst; simpl in *).
    specialize (H0 _ _ _ [] eq_refl).
    rewrite Heq0 in Hind.
    revert H0.
    on_call hereditary_subst
            ltac:(fun cremember c as hsubst; destruct hsubst; simpl in *).

    (* Redex *)
    assert((Γ' @ (A :: Γ) |-- @(f, arg) ⇒ TΓ' @ Γ |-- t0TB' = T)).
    intros Ht; depelim Ht.
    destruct (Hind Γ (A0 ---> T) H1).
    specialize (H _ A' H1).
    destruct (H4 Ht). noconf H6.
    depelim H5. split; auto.

    destruct o; try destruct h; destruct H.
    destruct (H H2). subst x.
    specialize (H0 Heqhsubst0 _ B' H7).
    rewrite <- Heqhsubst0 in H0.
    destruct o0 as [[ty typrf]|]; destruct H0 as [Hcheck Hinf].
    now apply Hcheck. now apply Hcheck.

    specialize (H0 Heqhsubst0 _ B' (H H2)).
    rewrite <- Heqhsubst0 in H0.
    destruct o0 as [[ty typrf]|]; destruct H0 as [Hcheck Hinf].
    now apply Hcheck. now apply Hcheck.

    split; auto.
    depelim H6.

    split; eauto.
    intros Ht3u; apply H2.
    now depelim Ht3u.

  (* No redex *)
  - intros Γ T Hu.
    assert(Γ' @ (A :: Γ) |-- @( f, arg) ⇒ T
      → Γ' @ Γ |-- @( f', fst (hereditary_subst (A, a, arg) (length Γ'))) ⇒ T).
    intros Ht; depelim Ht.
    on_call hereditary_subst
            ltac:(fun cremember c as hsubst; destruct hsubst; simpl in *).
    revert Heq.
    on_call hereditary_subst
            ltac:(fun cremember c as hsubst; destruct hsubst; simpl in *).
    pose (Hind _ (A0 ---> T) Hu).
    destruct o0 as [[ty prf']|].
    + destruct y as [Hind' Hind''].
      specialize (Hind'' Ht). destruct Hind''; subst ty.
      specialize (H _ A0 Hu).
      destruct o as [[ty' prf'']|].
      ++ destruct H as [Hind0 Hind0'].
        specialize (Hind0 H0). destruct Hind0. subst ty'.
        eapply application_synth; eauto. simpl in ×.
        depelim H1. simp is_lambda in Heq. noconf Heq.
        depelim H1.

      ++ depelim H1. simp is_lambda in Heq. noconf Heq. depelim H1.
    + clear y. specialize (H _ A0 Hu).
      destruct (Hind _ (A0 ---> T) Hu).
      apply is_lambda_inr in Heq. cbn in Heq; subst t0. simpl.
      destruct o as [[ty prf]|]; destruct H as [Hindt0 Hindt0'].
      eapply application_synth; eauto.
      now apply Hindt0.
      eapply application_synth; eauto.

    + split; auto. intros H2.
      depelim H2.
      constructor; auto.

  (* Pair *)
  - simpl in Heq0. autorewrite with is_pair in Heq. simpl in prf.
    intros Γ T Hu.
    assert( (Γ' @ (A :: Γ) |-- Fst t'TΓ' @ Γ |-- uTa' = T)).
    intros Ht; depelim Ht. specialize (Hind _ (T × B) Hu). revert Hind.
    on_call hereditary_subst ltac:(fun cremember c as hsubst; destruct hsubst; simpl in *).
    noconf Heq0. cbn in Heqcall.
    intros [Hind Hind'].
    specialize (Hind' Ht). destruct Hind' as [H0 H1]. noconf H1.
    depelim H0. split; auto.
    depelim H0.
    split; auto.
    intros H1. depelim H1. intuition.

  - intros Γ T Hu.
    assert (Γ' @ (A :: Γ) |-- Fst t'TΓ' @ Γ |-- Fst p'T).
    intros Ht; depelim Ht.
    specialize (Hind _ (T × B) Hu). revert Hind.
    on_call hereditary_subst ltac:(fun cremember c as hsubst; destruct hsubst; simpl in *).
    destruct o as [[ty prf]|]. intros [Hind Hind'].
    destruct (Hind' Ht). subst ty.
    depelim H. simp is_pair in Heq. discriminate.
    depelim H.

    apply is_pair_inr in Heq. simpl in Heq ; subst p'.
    intros [Hind Hind']. eapply pair_elim_fst_synth. now apply Hind'.
    split; auto. intros H2. depelim H2. intuition auto with term.

  (* Snd *)
  - intros Γ T Hu.
    assert((Γ' @ (A :: Γ) |-- Snd t'TΓ' @ Γ |-- vTb' = T)).

    intros Ht; depelim Ht. specialize (Hind _ (A0 × T) Hu). revert Hind.
    on_call hereditary_subst
            ltac:(fun cremember c as hsubst; destruct hsubst; simpl in *).
    noconf Heq0.
    intros [Hind Hind'].
    specialize (Hind' Ht). destruct Hind' as [H0 H1]. noconf H1.
    depelim H0. split; auto. depelim H0.
    split; auto.
    intros H1. depelim H1. intuition auto with term.

  - intros Γ T Hu.
    assert (Γ' @ (A :: Γ) |-- Snd t'TΓ' @ Γ |-- Snd p'T).
    intros Ht; depelim Ht.
    specialize (Hind _ (A0 × T) Hu). revert Hind.
    on_call hereditary_subst
            ltac:(fun cremember c as hsubst; destruct hsubst; simpl in *).
    destruct o as [[ty prf]|]. intros [Hind Hind'].
    destruct (Hind' Ht). subst ty.
    depelim H. simp is_pair in Heq. discriminate.
    depelim H.

    intros [Hind Hind'].
    apply is_pair_inr in Heq. subst p'. simpl in ×.
    specialize (Hind' Ht). econstructor; eauto.

    split; auto. intros H1. depelim H1. term.

(* Print Assumptions hereditary_subst_subst. *)

Lemma check_liftn {Γ Γ' t T} : Γ |-- tTΓ' @ Γ |-- lift 0 (length Γ') tT.
Proof. intros. apply (check_lift Γ t T [] H Γ'). Qed.

Lemma synth_liftn {Γ Γ' t T} : Γ |-- tTΓ' @ Γ |-- lift 0 (length Γ') tT.
Proof. intros. apply (synthetize_lift Γ t T [] H Γ'). Qed.
#[local] Hint Resolve check_liftn synth_liftn : term.

(* Write normalization function *)
Lemma types_normalizes Γ t T : Γ |-- t : T → ∃ u, Γ |-- uT.
Proof. induction 1. (* eta-exp *)

   (η (nth i Γ unit) i).
  apply (eta_expand Γ i (nth i Γ unit) (neutral_var _)); term.

  destruct IHtypes as [t' tt'].
   (λ t'); term.

  destruct IHtypes1 as [t' tt'].
  destruct IHtypes2 as [u' uu'].

  (* Hereditary substitution *)
  apply checks_arrow in tt'. destruct tt' as [t'' [t't'' t'B]]. subst.

  generalize (hereditary_subst_subst _ _ t'' [] Γ B uu').
  destruct_call hereditary_subst. destruct o. destruct h.
  simpl in ×. intros. destruct H1. t0; intuition.
  simpl in ×. intros. destruct H1. t0; intuition.

  (* Unit *)
   Tt; term.

  (* Pair *)
  destruct IHtypes1 as [t' tt'].
  destruct IHtypes2 as [u' uu'].
   << t' , u' >>. term.

  (* Fst *)
  destruct IHtypes as [t' tt'].
  depelim tt'. t0; term.

  depelim H0.

  (* Snd *)
  destruct IHtypes as [t' tt'].
  depelim tt'. u; term.

  depelim H0.

(* Print Assumptions types_normalizes. *)

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