General recursive functions
The total relation.
Definition total_relation {A : Type} : A → A → Prop := fun x y ⇒ True.
We assume an inconsistent axiom here, one should be added function per function.
Axiom wf_total_init : ∀ {A}, WellFounded (@total_relation A).
Remove Hints wf_total_init : typeclass_instances.
Remove Hints wf_total_init : typeclass_instances.
We fuel it with some Acc_intro constructors so that definitions relying on it
can unfold a fixed number of times still.
Instance wf_total_init_compute : ∀ {A}, WellFounded (@total_relation A).
exact (fun A ⇒ Acc_intro_generator 10 wf_total_init).
Set Warnings "-solve_obligation_error".
Instance wf_total_init_compute : ∀ {A}, WellFounded (@total_relation A).
exact (fun A ⇒ Acc_intro_generator 10 wf_total_init).
Set Warnings "-solve_obligation_error".
Now we define an obviously non-terminating function.
Equations? nonterm (n : nat) : nat by wf n (@total_relation nat) :=
nonterm 0 := 0;
nonterm (S n) := S (nonterm (S n)).
(* Every pair of arguments is in the total relation: so
total_relation (S n) (S n) *) red.
Local Obligation Tactic := idtac.
nonterm 0 := 0;
nonterm (S n) := S (nonterm (S n)).
(* Every pair of arguments is in the total relation: so
total_relation (S n) (S n) *) red.
Local Obligation Tactic := idtac.
The automation has a little trouble here as it assumes
well-founded definitions implicitely. We show the second
equation: nonterm (S n) = S (nonterm (S n)) using the
unfolding equation.
Next Obligation.
intros. now rewrite nonterm_unfold_eq at 1.
(* Note this is a dangerous rewrite rule, so we should remove it from the hints *)
(* Print Rewrite HintDb nonterm. *)
intros. now rewrite nonterm_unfold_eq at 1.
(* Note this is a dangerous rewrite rule, so we should remove it from the hints *)
(* Print Rewrite HintDb nonterm. *)
Make nonterm transparent anyway so we can compute with it
Transparent nonterm.
We can compute with it (for closed natural numbers)
Definition at_least_five (n : nat) : bool :=
match n with
| S (S (S (S (S x)))) ⇒ true
| _ ⇒ false
Transparent wf_total_init_compute.
match n with
| S (S (S (S (S x)))) ⇒ true
| _ ⇒ false
Transparent wf_total_init_compute.
Indeed it unfolds enough so that at_least_five gives back a result.
Example check_10 := eq_refl : at_least_five (nonterm 10) = true.
Example check_0 := eq_refl : at_least_five (nonterm 0) = false.
The elimination principle completely abstracts away from the
termination argument as well
Lemma nonterm_ge n : n ≤ nonterm n.
funelim (nonterm n).
funelim (nonterm n).
We can go as far as defining the (call-by-name) Y combinator and computing with it.
Section Y.
Context {A : Type}.
Equations? Y (f : A → A) : A by wf f (@total_relation (A → A)) :=
Y f := f (Y f).
(* Every pair of arguments is in the total relation: so
total_relation f f *) red. constructor.
Obligation Tactic := idtac.
Context {A : Type}.
Equations? Y (f : A → A) : A by wf f (@total_relation (A → A)) :=
Y f := f (Y f).
(* Every pair of arguments is in the total relation: so
total_relation f f *) red. constructor.
Obligation Tactic := idtac.
The automation has a little trouble here as it assumes
well-founded definitions implicitely. We show the second
equation: nonterm (S n) = S (nonterm (S n)) using the
unfolding equation.
Next Obligation.
intros. now rewrite Y_unfold_eq at 1.
End Y.
intros. now rewrite Y_unfold_eq at 1.
End Y.
Using Y, we can easily define any general recursive function.
Definition fact :=
Y (fun (fact : nat → nat) (x : nat) ⇒
match x with
| 0 ⇒ 1
| S n ⇒ S n × fact n
Check eq_refl : fact 8 = 40320.
Y (fun (fact : nat → nat) (x : nat) ⇒
match x with
| 0 ⇒ 1
| S n ⇒ S n × fact n
Check eq_refl : fact 8 = 40320.
Y is only good in call-by-name or call-by-need, so we switch to Haskell
Extraction Language Haskell.
Recursive Extraction fact.
y :: (a1 -> a1) -> a1
y x =
x (y x)
fact :: Nat -> Nat
fact =
y (\fact0 x -> case x of {
O -> S O;
S n -> mul (S n) (fact0 n)})
Let's define an efficient version whose termination is not entirely obvious.
Definition factN :=
Y (fun (fact : N → N) (x : N) ⇒
match x with
| N0 ⇒ 1%N
| Npos n ⇒ (Npos n × fact (Pos.pred_N n))%N
Y (fun (fact : N → N) (x : N) ⇒
match x with
| N0 ⇒ 1%N
| Npos n ⇒ (Npos n × fact (Pos.pred_N n))%N
1001! is pretty large.
Definition fact1001 :=
We can still compute with our Y combinator
Time Check (@eq_refl _ (fact1001) <: factN 1001 = fact1001).
It takes 0.8sec using vm_compute.
An alternative is to use the total relation directly.
Equations factN' (n : N) : N by wf n (@total_relation N) :=
| N0 ⇒ 1;
| Npos n ⇒ (Npos n × factN' (Pos.pred_N n)).
Next Obligation. constructor. Defined.
Unsurprisingly, this computes just as well
Time Check (@eq_refl _ (fact1001) <: factN' 1001 = fact1001).
It takes 0.8sec using vm_compute as well.
factN' also makes sense in a strict/call-by-value language like OCaml.
Extraction Language OCaml.
Extraction factN'.
(** val factN' : n -> n **)
let rec factN' = function
| N0 -> Npos XH
| Npos p -> N.mul (Npos p) (let y = Pos.pred_N p in factN' y)
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